joomla 1.6

Deadwood and Crown Cleaning

Crown Cleaning

Trees will naturally shed small dead twigs normally this is nothing to be concerned with however large quantities of deadwood in the tree can become a dangerous either by being shed or blown out in strong winds. Dead, dying or diseased wood, stumps of broken branches, climbing plants, e.g. ivy, and rubbish accumulated in branch forks should be removed, this is known as crown cleaning.

After inspection is can be decided whether a tree will need will the deadwood removed as it can be beneficial to species of insects and birds large dead wood should be removed when a tree is overhanging targets or rights of way. Ivy may have to be removed from trees so that they can be fully inspected, as ivy can hide decaying or weak structures.

Deadwood Removal

Fine deadwood refers to all dead branches and twigs with a diameter less than 1/4″ in diameter. Removing dead branches of that diameter is useful when a perfectly clean appearance is necessary, or when the incidence of disease in a particular species warrants such sanitary practices.

Our Services

  • Crown Thinning/Crown Lifting
  • Deadwood & Crown Cleaning
  • Reductions
  • Planting
  • Secional Dismantling
  • Stump Grinding
  • Hedge Trimming
  • Horticulture
  • Tree Health Consultancy

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